Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2003 || Thank you notes and warm caramel-y goodness

Nicole feels The current mood of nacwolin at

So today was shaping up to be a whirlwind kind of a day. I had a client at 10:00 AM and of course, nothing would load on my computer at first try while I had his wife on the phone at 8:30 AM to clarify some dates so I could finish off the draft before they got here.

But, he was pleased as punch with the final documents, so the hassles were worth it yet again.

I have two more resumes and an edit in the works, as well as a new client coming in this evening.

Vacation is definitely over!

In the midst of all of that, I was graciously reminded that when I need a little boost, a blessing drops right into my lap.

I was feeling a bit whooped this afternoon, so I laid down to rest. When I got up, I picked up the mail Rob had laid on the table and found this note handwritten in a thank you card from a friend at our church:

�Thank you for the candle, but mostly for thinking of me while on vacation. You all made my birthday dinner special, heat and all! I enjoy being with you and to let you know, you have three well behaved, enjoyable to be with, children.�

What makes this really special to me is that this is from a woman who has spent time with our children week after week for almost four years. She has observed them, and us.

I also know that this woman will not say something just to make me feel good. She is the type of person that if you ask her if she can do something and she can�t, she tells you. If you ask her opinion, she gives it to you straight. If she has a problem with you, she comes to you and talks to you. And she listens. She is an amazing judge of character; it is almost scary.

So, for her to say this about our kids was just�well, it really means a lot to me. It can be so easy to question if we are doing the right things where are kids are concerned!

Now, don�t get me wrong, I am a far from perfect parent. But something is sticking, and someone noticed.

And I needed that today.

Which reminded me of some other good news�

I finished filling out my student aid application on-line on Friday. The auto-response told me I should get an e-mail back with my SAR (that is the application you actually take to the college so they can determine what, if anything, you qualify for) in a week. Well, it came on Monday. So, I talked Rob into dropping me off at the college while he ran some errands on Monday afternoon.

I qualified for a partial Pell Grant and I will only have to pay $58 of this semester�s tuition out of my pocket. Yippee!

On the way back, I saw that the small strip mall they are building on a main street corner in our town is going to be a Starbuck�s. I literally squealed with glee when I saw the sign, pointing and jumping up and down in my seat like a 5-year-old.

I can already taste the caramel macchiatos�

I will continue with some vacation tales in the next few days, hopefully with pictures.

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test - Saturday, Oct. 01, 2016
Just a reminder - Friday, Aug. 10, 2007
Rockin' Girl Blogger - Wednesday, Jul. 18, 2007
A good end - Friday, Jun. 01, 2007
Moving on? Yes and no. - Monday, May. 07, 2007

All entries (c) Nacwolin 2001-2006. These are my words. Use your own, m'kay?




