Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 || Conversations with my 11-year-old

Nicole feels The current mood of nacwolin at

Conversations with my 11-year-old

�Mom, in class today, N said, �where�s my gum?� and Z said, �where�s your thong?!� and everyone laughed. N said, �Not thong! I said gum!� It was SO funny!�

�You know what a thong is?�

�Yes. It�s like...really thin underwear.�

�And how do you know this?�

�Because you have some!�

~ ~ ~

�Mom, L�s dad has a mullet.�

�You didn�t say that to her, did you?�


�Good, because that could be seen as rude.�

A pause.

�He does have a mullet, though.�

~ ~ ~

test - Saturday, Oct. 01, 2016
Just a reminder - Friday, Aug. 10, 2007
Rockin' Girl Blogger - Wednesday, Jul. 18, 2007
A good end - Friday, Jun. 01, 2007
Moving on? Yes and no. - Monday, May. 07, 2007

All entries (c) Nacwolin 2001-2006. These are my words. Use your own, m'kay?




