Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005 || In practice

Nicole feels The current mood of nacwolin at

I want to expand a little on my entry from yesterday, but have many thoughts swirling in my head that I need to try to make into a coherent format. Will do that soon, hopefully.

In the meantime, here's the latest:

Rob was told today that the job he is currently filling (he is a contractor) will end in two months. He was told that he either needs to look for another job or pursue permanent employment with the company (his supervisor is moving into another position, thus opening a spot for Rob). This would mean a relocation.

So, here's the rub: Rob and I both realize that if we are going to uproot our family yet again, for the second time in less than two years, we REALLY need to know that this is His will. We have to look at things more long term. Does he/can he be content in a secular position for the next several years?

He is called to vocational ministry. Of that, we have no doubts. But so far, the well is dry in that area.

God is God, and I am not. I am not sure what He has planned, but I know I have to trust Him.

Writing that doesn't make it easy in practice, now does it?

~ ~ ~

test - Saturday, Oct. 01, 2016
Just a reminder - Friday, Aug. 10, 2007
Rockin' Girl Blogger - Wednesday, Jul. 18, 2007
A good end - Friday, Jun. 01, 2007
Moving on? Yes and no. - Monday, May. 07, 2007

All entries (c) Nacwolin 2001-2006. These are my words. Use your own, m'kay?




